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November 6, 2003
(603) 798-4350

NOVEMBER 6, 2003

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Skip Lawrence, Peter Wade, Mike Stamowlaros, Ron Lesieur, Dave Colbert, Brad Towle and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of October 2, 2003. Page 3 under Design Review/Jeanne Viall, add the Board requested the plan have Mark Cronis’ name on the plan as the owner and the Surveyor stamp. Page 4 under Discussion: Lindsay Smith, second line therefor is spelled wrong change to therefore.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of October 2, 2003 with the changes.

                McIntosh/Lawrence                               (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Mark Drew
                                                Site Review–New Business–Storage Units
                                                Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road

Abutters present: Bob Shaw, Charles Upham

Mr. Drew presented the Board with a plot of the property and a hand drawn plan of where his units will be laid out on the property. Discussion on fencing in of the property and making the property aesthetically pleasing to neighbors with shrubs and trees. The Board would like to see some sort of landscaping.
Design review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Mark Drew
                                                Site Review-New Business-Storage Units
                                                Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road
Abutters present: Bob Shaw, Charles Upham

Mr. Drew again presented the Board with a plot plan of the property and a hand drawn plan of where the units will be laid out on the property. Some sort of landscaping and fencing was discussed. The Board was under agreement that a site plan from a surveyor was necessary to continue. The Board was also under agreement that if Mr. Drew was to consider out side storage such as boats and trailers he would need to return to the Board for approval.

Continued to December 4, 2003 meeting.

DESIGN REVIEW/                          Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Site Review – New Business
                                                Window & Door Sales
                                                Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road
Unable to attend, continued to December.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Barbara Frangione/Chichester School
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 5, Lots 103 & 82, Main Street
Abutters present: Jim Plunkett

Mike Sargent presented the Board with plans and explained that Ms. Frangione will be dividing her 72.7 acres giving the school 41.1 acres of land.

Mr. Plunkett voiced some concern about a piece of property he feels is missing on the plan. The town maps were brought out and looked at it seems on the town map the piece of property Mr. Plunkett is referring to is not at the same site.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Barbara Frangione/Chichester School
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 5, Lots 103 & 82, Main Street
Abutters present: Jim Plunkett

With no further issues.

Motion was made to accept the lot line adjustment with the condition of finding the property in question.

                Towle/Brehm                     (Passed)

DISCUSSION:                             Kate Hall
                                                Outdoor lighting

Mrs. Hall presented the Board with quite an array of pages with concerns to outdoor lighting and its effects. She showed what normal lighting should be and how much over on lumens the gas stations are.  Chairman Scott will bring the issue to the Master Plan Committee.


DISCUSSION:                             Theresa Kraft
                                                Home Occupation – Law Office
                                                Map 2, Lot 51-2, Connamara Drive

Ms. Kraft presented the Board with a drawing of her property and asked if a Law office would be considered a Home Occupation. The Board was in agreement that a Law Office does qualify as a Home Occupation. The Board requested that Mrs. Kraft take a little more time on her drawing and make it look a little better.

Public Hearing will be set for December 4, 2003

DISCUSSION:                             John Saturley
                                                Map 4, Lot 169, Granny Howe & Cross Rd.

Casey Hayes presented the plans to the Board and explained that Mr. Saturley was subdividing off one lot at the corner of Granny Howe and Cross Road.  The Board requested that setbacks be placed on the plan and the soil scientist stamp.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for December 4, 2003

DISCUSSION:                             Lisa Murphy
                                                Home Occupation – Day Care
                                                Map 3, Lot 120, Canterbury Road

Ms. Murphy came to ask the Board about having a Day Care in her home, she understands that she needs to work with the state. Day Care is allowed in the residential zone and is an acceptable Home Occupation.

Ms. Murphy will contact the secretary when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:                             Charles Scheys
                                                Replace Barn/Garage
                                                New Wetlands setback issue
                                                Map 5, Lot 70, Deer Meadow Road

Mr. Scheys would like to remove the barn/garage and rebuild with a foundation. The Board was in agreement the Building Inspector should deny the building permit and send Mr. Scheys to the Board of Adjustment.


DISCUSSION:                             John McDonald
                                                Haines Chapel Building
                                                Suncook Valley Road and Depot

The Board was in agreement that he cannot meet the setbacks and a letter will be sent to Mr. McDonald denying him on building a garage a copy will be sent to the Board of Adjustment.


Discussion on the planning budget the Board would like to present to the town a stipend for the chairman of $1500.00 with the amount of meetings formal and informal the chair is part of it seems like time to do this.

Motion was made to give the chairman a stipend of $1500.00.

                                Colbert/McIntosh                (Passed)

Letter to Selectmen, the Hess Station was approved for the following;

Official signage:
80 square feet original sign total off building of which no more than 64 square feet can be illuminated
                    12 square feet on the building for each approved business
(Blimpy's, Godfathers, TCBY,)

Letter to the Selectmen, Chris Drew – Dog Grooming – Boarding was not allowed. There is an ad in the Suncook Sun stating Boarding.

The Board discussed the pending litigation against the town.

Set Public Hearing for RSA number is incorrect in our zoning for JunkYards, needs to be fixed.

Subdivision and Site Review regulations should have wetlands topic in them.  

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Lawrence/Colbert                        (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:38 PM.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott